Whipps Consulting

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The weight of the world.

We all have those things in our lives that weigh us down. They vary in importance from life-altering circumstances to minuscule inconveniences. We feel the weight of our expectations, our desires, and our commitments. Even more so we feel the weight of other people’s expectations, desires, and commitments as well. Feeling weighed down is a part of the human experience. Sometimes we feel like Atlas from Greek mythology, destined to carry the burdens of the world for eternity.

I don’t care who you are, there is no one who feels completely free of burden, and that is okay. How we handle that burden is what I believe separates us from a life fully lived. There are some people who let their burden, no matter how small, dictate their thoughts, actions, and emotions to the point that they do not allow for anything else. All they talk about is their burden. They blame others for that burden. They are so engulfed in that burden that it pushes family, friends, and colleagues away. There are others, like myself, that feel like they need to solve all of the problems of the world and create a burden when there was none before. They think that if they oversee everything, it will get taken care of correctly and save them from the pain of life. With time, however, they feel resentful and exhausted. Over the years it becomes too heavy.

This is not to discount those who experience a burden that has some serious weight. What you will notice is the folks that have significant burdens are often the ones that handle them better than anyone else.

Many of us see 2023 as a time to wipe the slate clean. The new year can be a launching point for goals and aspirations. I think a big contributor for those who make progress toward those goals, and those who never realize their full potential is how well they deal with the burdens we all inevitably face.

How do we ensure those burdens do not stop our progress?

Have well-defined goals, but be okay if the path is altered along the way.
Having well-defined goals is the key to starting the journey of self-improvement. Having a detailed plan for reaching those goals is also necessary. But among that structure must be room for flexibility. Without flexibility and adaptability, goals become a house of cards. The most insignificant breeze will cause them to fall. You never want to anticipate burdens and roadblocks, but you need to be flexible and adaptable as they come.

The present is where everything happens. Quit burdening yourself with what hasn’t happened yet.
It seems like everyone these days including myself, is asking that we “be present”, “live in the moment”, and “focus on the present.” But, why? What is so special about the present moment that we should turn so much of our attention and energy toward it?

Well, for one, it’s the only time when anything is happening. The present moment is literally the only moment we have to do anything.

You can only act in the present.

You can only think in the present.

You can only feel in the present.

You can only decide in the present.

Many envision acting at some other time, but even your vision is operating in the present.

We all carry a heavy load when it comes to the burden life brings. Making an impact and a life fully lived is not mutually exclusive with more burden. We can be game changers without holding the weight of the world on our shoulders.