The grass is greener where you water it.

We all know the old adage the grass isn’t greener on the other side. This is meant to drive home the point that we tend to unfairly compare ourselves to others or that we tend to take for granted what we have. Not all opportunities, promotions, or ideas are going to put you in a better situation and sometimes the grass being greener is a false perception. Although our perceptions feel very real, that doesn't mean they're necessarily factual.

I talk a lot about being grateful and valuing life in the present moment. I truly think that we all should take a step back and appreciate what we have. In the same note I know it’s not that easy. When someone says the grass isn’t greener on the other side I think that statement is an oversimplification. I believe many think grateful and satisfied are the same thing. That is far from the truth. You can be grateful for what you have without being satisfied with where and who you are. We should always strive to better ourselves and our situation.

Life is littered with tough choices. Most of us have aspirations for our family and career. We want to be the best version of ourselves. To strive toward these goals we have to weigh each decision carefully in hopes that we make the right one. No matter how much we meticulously plan where and how we will direct our path in life, inevitably that plan will change.

Maybe you are satisfied in your career and where it is going but your job has caused you to sacrifice time with your family. Or maybe you feel stuck in your current job and you know you could find something more fulfilling elsewhere but a job change would alter a good dynamic in your personal life.

No decision will ever be perfect and it is hard evaluating pros and cons. It can oftentimes be very overwhelming to the point where you feel like you have no control of anything. We get so caught up in evaluating these decisions that we forget to stop and smell the roses. Even if the grass really is greener on the other side the issues you are facing won’t necessarily go away. Your situation wont change your mindset. You can only change your mindset in the here and now. Quit stressing over whether to be satisfied with the yard you currently have or wondering if you should buy the 40 acre lot down the road.

I am a big advocate for goal setting because I believe it gives us a target to strive for. Focusing on the here and now is no different. An easy way to focus on the present is by setting your intentions. Once you set those intentions, you need to follow through. I have found that trying to meticulously plan the path I need to follow never works out. But focusing on being the best person I can be in the here and now has presented opportunities that I never would have imagined possible.

  • Want to be happier at work even though you feel stuck? Then go to work, give it your all, be grateful you have a job, and choose to be happy at work.

  • Want to be healthier and lose weight? Find an activity that moves your body which you enjoy, be conscious of your diet, drink more water. Choose to be healthier.

  • Want to be more present in your personal relationships? Intentionally have meaningful conversations with your significant other and kids. Carve out time to be together. Choose to make an investment in their lives.

If you really want greener grass, focus on taking care of the lawn you have. After you give it a good amount of time and attention you may still find that you don’t want your patch. At least you will find it to be something healthier, greener, and more comfortable to sit on as you figure out how to make your way to the 40 acre lot down the road.


I didn’t come this far to only come this far.


The game of debt.